Falling Object

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Monday, December 13, 2010

♥My peace life♥


Actually I'm not a clerk but sales coordinator.

I'm even didn't know it.

Fortunately,I got a chance meeting with management.^^

But it totally bored...

I'm dozed and almost slept in meeting room.


Idiot still an Idiot.

The boss's niece still very blur on his work.

The boss's son still...erm,no comment.haha

Andy was trick by Melissa.

Take care ya.

The white Christmas just around the corner.

(although here seem didn't have any white winter~)

We decide make a vacation in KL on 24th December.

Perhaps we having fun there.

Dear is continuing his hunter's life.


I'm going to sleep.

Otherwise I'll fall asleep on my desk.

Sweet dream.

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